
convention concerning the recruitment and placement of seafarers معنى

  • اتفاقية بشأن تعيين وتوظيف البحارة
  • convention    n. تقليد, مؤتمر, م ...
  • concerning    adj. متعلق; adv. م ...
  • the    ال, لام التعريفH&# ...
  • recruitment    n. تجنيد, تطويع; إ ...
  • and    conj. واو العطف, أ ...
  • placement    n. إيجاد وظيفة, وض ...
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • seafarers    البحّارة

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. convention concerning the protection of the world cultural and natural heritage معنى
  2. convention concerning the protection of wages معنى
  3. convention concerning the protection of workers against ionising radiations معنى
  4. convention concerning the protection of workers’ claims in the event of the insolvency of their employer معنى
  5. convention concerning the recognition and enforcement of decisions relating to maintenance obligations towards children معنى
  6. convention concerning the reduction of hours of work in glass-bottle works معنى
  7. convention concerning the reduction of hours of work in the textile industry معنى
  8. convention concerning the reduction of hours of work on public works معنى
  9. convention concerning the reduction of hours of work to forty a week معنى
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